

As most of the decision-makers and the technical person knows, Web App Development has been a tough task altogether especially in the last decade, the complexity has increased manifolds. With each complexity, developers are exploring their ways to adapt new ways to solve the problem and adapt to new realities with more vigour. One of such advents has been that the Web App Front-End Development has by default adapted to JavaScript frameworks as a permanent solution to every problem associated with it.

Like every technological solution, JavaScript frameworks have their own advantages and disadvantages. Few advantages are that there are comprehensive frameworks, packages, and tools with a varied and very powerful ecosystem with a variety of options. Similarly, all frameworks share a few common issues. Most of the developers concur to the understanding that JavaScript is a great tool from a Client and Businesses perspective but from the development point of view, it is very complex and the learning curve is very steep.

Addressing the challenges faced in JavaScript, Microsoft came up with a Framework that is not only powerful but productive too. Microsoft has developed Blazor, which is a new Web Framework for building interactive Web Application. It allows .NET developers to build advanced Web Applications.

Blazor leverages .NET Core’s structure for common practices and patterns. Blazor also uses .NET Core’s ability to run anywhere by supporting the Client-Side and Server-Side Hosting Model.

Works on Both Client and Server Side

In the initial stages, Blazor started off only as a Client-side Single Page Application (SPA) framework. The initial goal was to run .NET Applications in the Browser using Web Assembly and Razor. However, during the development course, the team decided to add a Server-side Hosting Model to Blazor. This allowed developers to write their codes independent of the Hosting Model. This way the only instance when code is identified as Client-Side or Server-Side is when data is fetched.

Benefits of Blazor

  • Blazor allows compilation of Static Files. We do not need a .NET Runtime environment on the Server.
  • From Server Side to the Client Side, the work is offloaded.
  • Blazor Apps can be run in an Offline state.
  • Codesharing and Objects of C# can be shared between Client and Server fairly easily.

Where is it used?

The Blazor Framework or specifically Blazor WebAssembly has been built to be a competitor to JavaScript Frameworks. So, anywhere that someone is trying to use JavaScript Frameworks can consider Blazor as an ideal option.

One of the most important things to note is that Blazor WebAssembly doesn’t require us to have .NET on the Server. If we are having a backend written in any other technology such as PHP, ROR, Node, etc…we can still use Blazor as the Frontend. The WebAssembly would compile static files.


Microsoft has clearly focused on long term aspects and planning to gain the market share back. Considering that there has been enormous speculation around the barrier for entry to .NET and with so many choices the new developers to the platform have to undergo, Blazor Framework would offer the much-needed clarity when it comes to effective UI, Single Programming Model, learn once apply anywhere, etc… Considering this, all the hype about being the next big thing in Programming and Development around Blazor is not misplaced at all.


Zobi Web Solutions is a place where we not only focus on effective services but adapting to newer technologies and frameworks as fast as possible. We being in .NET development since our inception, it becomes inevitable for us to adapt to Blazor if we have to compete amongst the best, and considering this, we have already trained our team and have started offering services. Our developers are capable to adapt to new technologies quickly. We Offer Blazor Development Consultation, Guidance, and Blazor Development Services. We have customers from the USA, UK, Canada, and Europe already using our services. We develop secure and scalable Applications. We provide a one-stop solution to all your needs