Benefits of ReactJS in your Application

Zobi Web Solutions, one of the premier providers of ReactJS development services, has an extensive track record for building custom web and mobile solutions for some of the most successful companies in Canada. As a market leader in Canada’s technology world with more than 10 years of experience, we take great pride in providing the best possible solutions to meet our clients’ needs.

We provide ReactJS development services, including frontend and backend development, as well as testing and maintenance services. We have a team of dedicated software developers who develop applications in JavaScript, with exceptional knowledge of ReactJS and NodeJS framework. As a certified Node development company, we can handle all aspects of the complex web application life cycle – from the initial concept design to solving any technical challenges you may face during the development or operation phase with our extensive expertise in these areas:

In this article, we will outline some key benefits our clients have realized from utilizing ReactJS for their application development:

What is ReactJS?

What is React and why should you use it? ReactJS is a JavaScript library from Facebook that is used for building user interfaces (UI). React was introduced in 2011 as an open-source library. It does not force a developer to adopt a particular programming style or structure for their application.

It is a very simple concept with lots of merits; the most striking one is that React can be used for rendering dynamic views for web applications for both desktop, mobile, and other platforms with ease. It also offers the ability to render views faster than traditional DOM methods like innerHTML, createElement, or document.write. Just like other libraries such as Angular, Ember, etc. it does not force any particular way of developing your application. React is an open-source framework for creating user interfaces with an emphasis on simplicity and consistency in the UI more than building the actual features and the backend from scratch.

React is a complete JavaScript library that handles the view layer of your application and implements a composable view-driven programming (VDP) paradigm similar to that offered by Angular or KnockoutJS. It was originally developed to help web developers build user interfaces right inside JSX. 

Key benefits of reactJS for front-end development:

ReactJS encourages functional programming and allows the developers to focus on what they do best: writing high-quality code. As a result, ReactJS is a very efficient tool for front-end development.

1. Speed:

ReactJS’s Virtual DOM implementation is unique and largely contributes to how fast it works. It is efficient in memory use as well. ReactDOM uses a “diff” algorithm to make rendering faster as it records the difference between two states.

2. Scalability:

ReactJS is also very scalable, which makes it a great option for developing applications that you expect to grow to a very large size in terms of users or data. As a well-tested library, it will continue growing with the community’s support for the foreseeable future.

3. Cross-Platform:

React has a flexible and wide range of use cases across different platforms. It can be used in native applications or on mobile apps or any other platform and is also exportable to other languages like Java, Python, and so on.

4. Flexibility:

ReactJS’s flexible nature facilitates easy customization of the rendering, which helps to add the desired features while maintaining a very simple and fluid library experience for your end-users.

5. Performance:

ReactJS has proved to deliver high performance in diverse use cases as well. Its Virtual DOM and a simple flow implementation make it fast and flexible for building user interfaces of any kind.

6. Ease of Use:

ReactJS is a very easy framework to use and master, which is one of its biggest selling points. It has a clean code base with helpful documentation and learning resources available online. It uses ES6 syntax, which comes with autocomplete, so the developers can just focus on writing good code without worrying about how it looks or if they are using the right libraries or frameworks.

7. Data Binding:

ReactJS is an efficient library in terms of data binding, as well. It uses the VDOM (Virtual DOM), which sits in between the application and the actual DOM. It updates only those parts of the DOM that need updating and this results in increased performance compared to other libraries and frameworks.

8. Community Support:

ReactJS has a large community around it, which means that you will always get help whenever you want to troubleshoot something or get unstuck while working on a new project with it. There are many tutorials and YouTube videos readily available online on how to make use of ReactJS for your projects.

9. Flexible:

ReactJS is flexible in terms of how you can use it. It is not restricted to any particular technology stack and therefore can be used to build highly efficient high-quality user interfaces for various applications. It is very modular with its core implementation independent of external libraries or frameworks.

10. Minimalist:

ReactJS’s minimal footprint makes it a very easy library to add to your current project and the learning curve for understanding how to use it is also very low, which means you can take advantage of it without worrying about any overhead.

Reasons why reactJS can be the best choice for your project: 

1. Here is a list of reasons why reactJS is the best choice for your next web project:

Improves performance: One of the most significant changes introduced by React is making a react app render faster than its competitors. You can reduce page load time 5-10x compared to other heavy libraries like JQuery, with minimal code changes.

2. Cross-browser support:

React offers full cross-browser support, and allows you to use the same code on all browsers, except older versions of IE. It uses stable modern JavaScript APIs that are supported by all modern browsers.

3. Better Learning Curve:

ReactJS provides an easy learning curve for getting started. It is a very lightweight library and does not require a lot of time for learning. The documentation for ReactJS is very well-documented, which means that you can get started with it very quickly. The official documentation contains a lot of examples and illustrations, which make it easy to understand even those features that are difficult to grasp at the first go. The development team behind ReactJS also organizes regular events and conferences, which make it easier to connect with the community and get help whenever you need it.

4. Open Source:

ReactJS is open source, which means that there is a large community of developers contributing to the project and reporting bugs and bugs that have already been reported. This makes ReactJS an actively maintained product, which is especially important if your application needs to be maintained for a long period of time. The community behind ReactJS also includes senior members who have worked on other technology stacks in the past and will continue to offer expertise for any questions you might have about them.

5. Easy Integration:

ReactJS integrates well with most other frameworks and libraries and can be used in many different languages like JavaScript, Scala, Clojure, etc. It is also easy to use with React Native for mobile development and other projects.

6. Best Development Environment:

ReactJS allows developers to control the whole process from component design to the final product. It comes with great development tools like the Jest testing framework, Redux, GraphQL, etc., which makes development easier and faster than ever before.

How our ReactJS developers can help you leverage all the benefits?

Zobi Web Solutions has a certified and experienced team, which endeavors in providing professional services and solutions to our esteemed clients. We are capable of delivering all kinds of customized backend solutions.

ReactJS based back end solution

The modern technologies and changing needs have given rise to some revolutionary ideas that can be implemented to solve the growing complexity issues related to development requirements. An impressive number of companies have started implementing the technology for their data-driven business. The use case for ReactJS is mainly used for either improving the performance or retaining user interface consistency across a wide range of applications.

To get the highest ROI from application development, it is necessary to develop the application with a technology that can make any changes easy to cope with. This is where ReactJS comes into play. It works in a truly component-based approach, which enables us to choose code based on what we need without any extra cost or consequences. The virtual DOM library enables us to save uptime. As mentioned earlier, this process requires less amount of time to compile and run the code, which means that it saves up time in each step and across the series of steps.

Hire ReactJS developers from Zobi Web Solutions. We have a team of highly skilled ReactJS developers for hire. We don’t just have a team of expert ReactJS developers, but we also have teams of talented and expert PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, and Python developers. All our developers are highly skilled and qualified to deliver the desired results with consistent efforts.


ReactJS provides great benefits to both novice and experienced developers. There is a good deal of excellent documentation available for learning about ReactJS, which makes it an easy choice for building advanced user interfaces. The development process provided by ReactJS is also straightforward to begin with, which means that you can work on your project in a short time span. Lastly, the library has a small footprint, which means that it occupies little RAM space on your system and gives you the benefit of saving up time in each step as well as across the series of steps.

ReactJS has a great potential to transform the way you build interactive and user-friendly interfaces and this potential is being utilized by many companies worldwide. ReactJS is one of a kind library that can help you immensely in your project development, regardless of whether it involves complex data structures or not. You can also consider adding ReactJS to your hiring plan which will help bring out the best results for your business. Hire ReactJS developers from Zobi Web Solutions for best results.

If you are looking for a professional React Web Developer, contact us now!


Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1. What is the browser compatibility of React? How many browsers does it support?

React works well on any browser that supports Canvas, SVG, or WebGL. Chrome, Safari, and Firefox all support it out of the box. IE10 only has a rudimentary set of features for HTML elements and controls which can be used with react-*.

Question 2. When should I use react?

When you’re building complex user interfaces that require a dynamic, reusable component hierarchy. For example, if your interface is made up of many nested lists, grids, and other presentation components, React can be a good choice.

Question 3. What about performance? Does React offer better performance than other javascript libraries such as JS or AngularJS?

React is fast because React uses a virtual DOM diff implementation (one of the most efficient ways to update the DOM). Because React only updates the DOM when you tell it to (instead of every time something changes), it’s much faster than frameworks that constantly update the DOM on every change.

Question 4. Does React need jQuery?

No. React does not require jQuery or any other libraries. It’s completely self-contained and generates DOM on its own. However, you might want to use jQuery with your React app if you find it easier to use as you’re getting started

Question 5. How do I bring my existing HTML pages into react?

You don’t have to explicitly import HTML files, they are automatically imported by JSX code that you write using the HTML tags in them (e.g. <div>, <h1>, <span>).